PLEASE NOTE: Best played in Chrome Browser

Tile Typer was designed as part of the Game Jam 2024. Originally believing the theme to be gamify, I created a game for practice typing. As the tile falls, type the letter on your keyboard. If you miss more than 10, the game is over.

Recognizing the actual theme being 'The Last Stand', I had to get creative to implement it. Every 12 seconds that pass a canvas stand drops. Can you last until the last stand is remaining?

This is my first ever game jam entry and second game created after the Dodge the Creeps tutorial from the godot docs.


  • You can click on the 'View Stats' buttons to see which tiles you hit the most
  • Dropping canvas stands as every 12 seconds passes
  • Timer and point tracker
  • Score at the end


  • Developed using Godot and GIMP for minor art edits




  • Letter Tiles: Brown Tiles by Kenney from

  • Main Menu: Hand painted watercolor abstract watercolor background by @freepik from

  • Tile Stats: Watercolor alcohol ink background by @freepik from

  • Credits: Hand drawn floral pattern in peach tones by @pikisuperstar from

  •  Gameplay: Watercolor abstract floral background by @pikisuperstar from

  • Buttons: Set of watercolor brush strokes by @asrulaqroni from

Known issues

  • hitting a key multiple times consecutively still counts as a point even though it is a single tile falling. 

Development log


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Note because I had trouble figuring this out! Your game right now has an issue where it'll scale weirdly when browser zoom changes. Luckily there's an easy fix---go to Project > Project Settings... > General > Display > Window, and under Stretch, change Mode to viewport. We also changed Aspect to keep.

I feel very at peace while I am frantically trying to type lol. Well done friend :)

thank you!